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Tanja Softić

Tanja Softić lives and works in Richmond, Virginia, where she is a Professor of Art at the University of Richmond. Born in Yugoslavia (now Bosnia and Herzegovina), Softić attended the Academy of Fine Arts of the University of Sarajevo and earned her MFA in Printmaking from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia (1988, 1992). She is a recipient of the Pollock-Krasner Grant, National Endowment for the Arts/ Southern Arts Federation Visual Artist Fellowship and Soros Foundation—Open Society Institute Exhibition Support Grant.  She participated in 12th International Print Triennial in Cracow, Poland and won a First Prize at the the 5th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints, Ino-cho Paper Museum in Kochi, Japan in 2002. She completed print projects at Flying Horse Press, Tamarind Institute and Anderson Ranch’s Patton Print Studio. Her work is held in numerous private and public collections, including the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Austria; the Ino-Cho Paper Museum in Kochi, Japan; the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia.

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Tanja Softić featured in Virginia Living, 2011

The Argonauts, 2018, Mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock), chiyogami paper, digitally printed photograph on Japanese paper, 32 x 79 inches
Acts of faith 2, 2023, Acrylic, gold leaf, digital print collage on handmade kobo paper, 7 x 7 inches
Hortus Conclusus: stem, 2022, Color etching and aquatint, 14.75 x 22.25 inches
Beginnings and Endings: Unraveling, 2018, Intaglio (aquatint, mezzotint, drypoint, etching), digitally printed photograph on Japanese paper, 39 x 34 inches
The Argonauts, 2018, Mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock), chiyogami paper, digitally printed photograph on Japanese paper, 32 x 79 inches
Acts of faith 2, 2023, Acrylic, gold leaf, digital print collage on handmade kobo paper, 7 x 7 inches
Hortus Conclusus: stem, 2022, Color etching and aquatint, 14.75 x 22.25 inches
Beginnings and Endings: Unraveling, 2018, Intaglio (aquatint, mezzotint, drypoint, etching), digitally printed photograph on Japanese paper, 39 x 34 inches
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